I'm a Bay Area native that always loved stories. I don't know if I wanted to actually work in movies, but my favorite part of family holidays was the studio tour at Universal.

Fast forward through an idyllic childhood and I decided to go to film school. After earning an undergraduate in Film, I decided to sit in on classes for an additional two years and earned a graduate degree in Journalism and Media Studies.

I had the degree and wishful thinking to handle whatever 2008 planned to throw at me. [pause for laughter].

Luckily, I'm great at a computer and I have managed to live comfortably over the past decade and change while still pursuing my writing.

This is where Medium comes into play. I've blogged and written essays for different sites, but Medium allows me the freedom to jot down my thoughts when they come and save/publish when I'm ready. Sometimes, their friends will re-post me onto their publications and I get more views.

I'm here with you until something changes. Thanks for reading.

Connect with Sabrina Monet
Sabrina Monet

Sabrina Monet

A writer surviving in LA. When I’m not toying with my manuscripts, I’m somewhere on the Internet using up my time. Find me at sabrinamonet.com