Love Thy Gods
This was another graphic novel series that was recommended to me. This story revolves around gods that are all awaken at the same time and they live two years inspiring the world, then they die and are not resurrected for another ninety years.
When we meet them in volume 1, they’re rock stars of course and everyone wants them. Laura, is a teenage girl that happens to become friends with Lucifer on the night that weird shit starts to happen. Luci is arrested for a crime she may not have committed and the other gods let her stay in jail while they try to work out their issues.
Laura fights for her and tries to get to the bottom of it. Luci is killed and we start to suspect that there is a god-killer out there. I’ve only gotten to the end of volume 2 and I’m anxiously waiting for the other volumes to come in because this is a story I can geek over.
Gods that fight and bicker and only have two years to live like only immortals can before they’re sent back to the beyond where they must wait close to a century to come back and do again, for another short stint of time.
I’ve been taken by a lot of graphic novels lately, but I especially love The Wicked + the Divine. It’s different from the other novels in that there is a lot of glitter in this story. One of the gods even resembles Prince which I wholeheartedly stand behind because we all need a little Purple Rain in our lives.
This series embraces everything. There are gods. There are humans. Love is love is love. Even the hatred between certain characters is wrapped in a blanket of love that only the people in the argument can understand. If you’ve known someone for epochs, then there’s a chance there are things that gets on your nerves about that person.
I have a suspicion about who the killer is and what they’re up to and I can’t wait to read the next five volumes.